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God dammit!  You've been scoping that place for a week and now it's nothing but cinder.  Two boys, barely older than 18, run screaming in your direction.  One lad is bleeding and missing a chunk from his left ear.  You raise your rifle as they charge over the hill and they come to a screeching halt, the wounded one falling over entirely.  "Now what do we have here?"  You eye them over the barrel of your gun.  "Two local yokels who just ruined a perfectly good score".  They quickly recognize you from your reputation and begin begging for their lives.  You wave your gun at them in a motion that says “shut up”.  "I'm sick of you idiots running around like you don't have a brain in your head killing for fun.  If you haven't noticed, there aren’t a whole lot of people left.  Exactly how the hell do you expect to survive when everyone is dead?"  The two young men stammer and you give them a stern look warning them to keep their traps shut.  "It’s about time someone organized this band of thieves, murders, rapists, and hooligans and it might as well be me.  This is how it's going to work from now on.  You don't do a damn thing without my approval, you got that?  If we have to have this conversation again...well we won't because you'll be dead.  Am I making myself clear here boys?  Do what you’re told and you'll do well for yourselves with all the food, wine, and women you can handle.  Cross me and you'll be pushing up daises.  We clear?"  Both agree to follow you.  Looks like they might share more than one brain cell after all.



Additional Starting Family:  Two young adults from above.




Your family has one “head”.  This is your main character.  While you can control the other members of your family to ensure they are doing their jobs (i.e. gardening, etc.) you cannot stop them from making bad decisions (i.e. petting a stray dog, sleeping with the neighbor’s wife, etc.).  The protagonist; however, is completely controlled by you.  If your protagonist dies, the heir takes over as your main character.  If there is not a viable (young adult/adult) heir, the challenge is lost.


Being a Crime Lord means you cannot take “good” traits.


Furthermore, as the boss, you have a unique trait that NO other family member may possess.  If they get it, take it away from them.  If your main character dies, this trait may be passed on to the heir through testingcheats or mods:


Kleptomaniac:  Having the Klepto trait is huge.  That means you can go to someone’s house, a community lot, etc. and steal up to 3 items per night.  No one else except the crime lord can do this (although there is a stealing function in the challenge that your minions can do, it is much more dangerous).  To do this, your intention must be to leave the lot to use your klepto ability and nothing else.  You will NOT have to make a check for leaving the lot.  If you steal your 3 items and don’t get caught, go home with your loot.  If someone catches you stealing, you must then follow the procedures for stealing outlined at the end of this challenge.  Getting caught involves taking something in front of a sim.  It’s completely avoidable.  Just be careful.


NOTE:  The BRAVE trait is reserved ONLY for Saviors.  No one in your household may have this trait.



1.  Taking Control:  Your overall objective is controlling the criminal element in the town and keeping the townsfolk in line.  To do that, you most secure all 10 houses by the end of the 60th day.


2.  You must rule with an iron fist.  Instill a sense of fear in the townsfolk to keep them in line, and generally only care about you and yours.  If townsfolk rise up, you put them down and make an example out of them. 





As promised, I have pattered this after countdown.  You may not do things like trade or steal unless the daily event says you can.  If an object breaks on a particular day, you must either dumpster dive and trade/steal and pray for the resources you need or do without that day and try again the next. 


Unlike Countdown, there is no T-12 Threshold.  The number to beat is always 12 unless otherwise stated.  Days are in ascending order now so the first day is listed as “Day 1”.  By Day 60, you must have obtained your goals.


DO NOT READ BEYOND YOUR CURRENT DAY!  Doing so is considered CHEATING!  The fun of this challenge is taking things as they come, unexpectedly!


Day 1-3:  Welcome to your first days!  You’ve got two new members to your home (so take some time to create them and add them to your family).  Nothing will occur on the first three days to give you a chance to get yourself settled, a steady food source, do some dumpster diving, etc.  Enjoy this peaceful time!


Day 4:  Mother Nature is definitely not on your side.  There are high winds and a downpour of rain beating against your small home.  You were smart enough to set out your buckets and collect two full buckets of water; however, you now have a leak in your roof right over a bed.  You must either destroy a piece of wood furniture and use the wood to repair the roof immediately or you’ll have one less bed to sleep in until you get a new one.


Day 5:  House Day!  House #1

It’s time to procure your first house!  Start with the home nearest your own

The nearby home houses a family of gangsters.  They look intelligent enough to convince to join your forces.  You’ll need to prove that you can reward their loyalty but these goons seem easy to convince.  Set up a rendezvous at the town bar.  Order a round of drinks (this will cost you a Category I trade).  Play some darts, have a good time, then invite them into the “back room” for a discussion.  If at least one becomes a friend, then they accept you as boss.  As long as they stay at the friend level or above, you keep them under your influence.


Day 6: It's steal day! You can steal up to THREE items using the steal section under the TABLES tab.


Day 7:  Things are going well so you decide to start following through with your plans for the town.

Send out at least two adults into town for 4 hours to send a message by roughing up some people.  Roll on the event table.


Day 8:  One of your water buckets broke the last trip to the river.  You must either use wood from a piece of furniture to patch it or go without until you do.


Day 9:  House Day!  House #2

It’s time to try and bring another home under your influence!  Choose the next closest house.

Another house has approached you to confirm If the rumors are true about your ability to get shit done.  They want to see a show of your ability.  Their son is in need of a new wife and he has his eye on a local girl (locate a house that is not under your control that has a teenage girl or an adult if need be.  Shortly after your arrival, the local good guys show up to spoil your fun.  They include 1 Soldier and 1 Lieutenant.  If you win the battle, the house that requested your assistance becomes loyal to you.  If you lose, then wait at least three days to try again.


Day 10:  It’s time to start taking what’s yours!  These locals need to pay you some “insurance” to ensure they don’t get their legs broken.  Send out your crew (including yourself) and show up at someone’s house Use your kleptomaniac skill to start stealing.  As you go to leave, a group of 3 men start chasing you.  Roll 1 – 20! 

Score:  15 - 20:  You notice the daughter of the owner of the home you just robbed standing nearby and you grab her as a hostage.  The others back away as you drag off the poor sobbing girl.  You can either choose to let her go, take her as a wife (if you’re single or want to be a polygamist lol) or give her to one of your men as a wife.  It might not be a bad way to expand your family.  (The gender can be reversed here if you are playing a female protagonist).

Score:  10 – 14:  They fire a shot that goes right through the bag you’re carrying and two items tumble out leaving you the least expensive one object.  Just your luck.

Score:  4 – 9:  You not only drop the bag of loot but one random item from your inventory (you choose) falls to the ground and gets left behind.

Score:  1 – 3:  One of your team catches a bullet in the back of the head and dies on the spot.  Remove one soldier from your home.


Day 12:  Rain has been pretty scarce and the river has all but dried up.  You won’t be able to collect water today.


Day 14:  While out causing trouble and generally raising hell, your men come across a young boy/girl.  They bring the child back to you.  You may either use the child as a servant (he/she cannot be an heir) OR ransom him/her back to the parents for an OMNI PLANT that produces eggs!  (Use the necessary cheats to obtain this).


Day 15:  It's steal day! You can steal up to THREE items using the steal section under the TABLES tab.


Day 16:  House Day!  House #3

The leader of a nearby house approaches you about a “law enforcer” who arrested his son for having some fun with one of the local girls.  Three men are escorting him to jail now (2 Soldiers, 1 Lieutenant).  Here is your shot to take them down and return the lad to his father.  Invite out one teen that is neutral or a friend and 3 enemies.  Confront them at a community lot.  If you can take them down, the house will join your “legion”.  If you fail, try again in 3 days.


Day 17:  One morning you hear the all too familiar sound of a gunshot; however, this time it is on your property!  You rush outside and find that the guilty party has run off but a shotgun sized hole is now in you wall.  Upon closer inspection, it was the bathroom wall by your tub which is now a broken mess!  You will need wood from a piece of furniture to repair the wall (until this takes place, delete one piece of wall).  Repairing the tub is a different story.  If you are fortunate enough to have a spare, good for you!  Until you do, you’re now going to have to use the nearby stream to bathe (which means rolling on the event table.  When you arrive at the water source, drag your hygiene bar to 75% as the water is dirty and it is possible to get completely clean.


Day 20:  You decide to stop by that watering hole that just opened up.  You ask for a drink but the barkeep refuses to serve you as soon as he recognizes your face.  You’re about to teach him the error of his ways when the local goody two-shoes shows up and intervenes.  It’s time you took him down a peg!  (Call one of your enemies to the bar and have your protagonist fight them one on one.  Unknown to you, the person you are fighting is the SAVIOR.  You may not kill them.  It will be the best two out of three fights).


If you win, you search your knocked out foe and take 3 apples (you can buy them from the store which is otherwise not available) and find a skill book of your choosing (purchase from the book store, use money cheats as needed).  If you lose, delete 4 items from your personal inventory as the other guy robbed you blind.  You must attend this fight with 4 items in your inventory that are worth taking (i.e. your diploma doesn’t count).


Day 22:  It's steal day! You can steal up to THREE items using the steal section under the TABLES tab.


Day 23:  House Day!  House #4

It’s time for a real show of who has the power in this town.  One of your enemies has been very vocal against you, going so far as to rally others to root out your organization.  This can NOT go unpunished.  You order a raid on his house and instruct that only women and children be left alive.


Send in a squad to attack the house.  Make sure 4 enemy men are present.  3 of them are Soldiers, 1 is a Lieutenant.  Make sure to take killing blows on all of them after they are subdued (seeing the murder section).  Find some way of removing the dead from the challenge  (you may want to just assign them to an extra house in case you need more enemies in the future) and distribute surviving women and children to your loyal houses to remind them what side their bread is buttered on!  You now have a vacant home to place one of your adult children in.  You may not claim it as one of yours until that takes place.


NOTE:  Your men CAN die in this fight if they are defeated enough times.  If you are able to kill all the men in the home without losing any of your own men, you will find the ONLY generator-powered water pump available in the challenge (this cannot be traded for).


Day 25:  It’s time to call a meeting of the troops.  Invite everyone to your house or 2nd private lot and have a meeting on how things are going and how they will proceed.  You will need to provide food, drinks, and whatever entertainment you can muster.  In exchange, the houses you control have joined their resources to offer you a proper tribute!  Roll 1 – 20!

1 – 5:  You get 5 pieces of food from the general store…guess they don’t think much of you!

6 – 12:  You get a single piece of furniture worth up to $400

13 – 16:  You get to go on a bit of a shopping spree in build/buy with a cool $1,000 to buy what you like.

17 – 20:  They have gathered the resources to build a new room on your home!  You’re given $2,000 worth of building supplies and furniture (build/buy) for your new addition!


Day 26: A bad snow storm hits and caves in a section of your roof!!  You must either destroy three pieces of furniture (for wood) to repair it or delete a 5x5 section of your roof until you obtain the wood!  Hopefully you have extra furniture in stock!


Day 27:  One of your generators has broken down!  You must either have someone with a repair skill of 5 or better in your home or find someone who can do the job.   Otherwise, you are out of luck.


Day 28: It's steal day! You can steal up to THREE items using the steal section under the TABLES tab.


Day 30: House Day!  House #5

All hell is breaking loose.  The other side is amassing their forces while you amass your own.  The fifth and final “neutral” house is up for grabs!

You’ve been leaning on the owners of the next house to force them into their ranks.  The house consists of a couple and their infant son.    You sent your men out there to kidnap the kid for leverage in your “negotiations” and they killed them both and brought the baby to you!  Both parents, murdered in cold blood.  Its moments like this that make you question how controlled your gang really is.   The child, being the only heir, is now an issue you have to deal with.  You can either leave it out on the door step for the wolves or raise it as your own.  You dare not give him to one of your other houses as they may use him to acquire the new home for themselves.  Either way, you are now squarely in the crosshairs of the town sheriff who is no doubt coming for you.


Setup:  The good guys have tracked down the baby and are ready for a fight.  There is a strong possibility that your protagonist could die here.  Roll 1-20


14 – 20:  You succeed in keeping the baby and have no casualties

8 – 13:  You manage to keep the child but one of your men dies in the fight.

  1 – 7:   It’s a slaughter, two of your men die, one of them being YOU!  I hope you have an heir.


Note:  If you fail, you may re-attempt this within 3 days (or when you feel you are ready).   If you succeed in keeping the baby, you will gain a vacant home that you can place one of your children in.  The house cannot be counted toward your rolls until one of your adult children live there.


Day 32:  Just when it seems you’re gaining your footing as an authority in town, everything hits the fan!  You wake one morning to find your enemies have STOLEN all furniture (except your fire pit) from your yard!


Day 34:  By now your safe house should be a storage facility for loot you’ve gathered.  Try to keep it organized!  In order to protect your interests, at least one of your crew must be assigned to live at the safe house at all times.  You will also need to secure a room to hold occasional captives.


Day 35: It's steal day! You can steal up to THREE items using the steal section under the TABLES tab.


Day 36:  House Day!  House #6

Houses 6 – 9 will require a formal raid (since they are enemy homes).  This will mean taking prisoners, converting them to your way of thinking, or taking them out entirely.  On these house days, choose an enemy home and send in a team to subdue them.  Survivors should be taken to the Sheriff’s Office/Safe house for holding.  If you have a son that can take over the house for you, than feel free.  Otherwise, you will have to imprison the adults from that house for at least 24 hours and make a loyalty roll.  If you roll 1-20 and get a 12 or more, the home owners convert to your way of thinking.  Anything less means imprisoning for another 3 days and then attempting another loyalty check.  Basically, you are convincing them of the error of their ways while they are in YOUR custody.  When raiding houses 6 – 9, call 4 enemies to protect them against your attack consisting of 3 Soldiers and 1 Lieutenant.


Day 37:  A terrible flu has struck your home and without doctors or hospitals, a simple flu can be life threatening.  Choose one person to be “flu free” and they will be the caretaker of the day.  Everyone else must stay in bed (use testing cheats to keep energy low) and each must be brought two hot meals.  This means cooking a sufficient amount during electric time to provide two meals per person.   Additionally, hygiene must be kept up.  Give a sponge bath (drag the hygiene bar to 100%) to each sick person.  A sponge bath will take ½ bucket of water!  If you need more water, get it after everyone has had their meals and as many baths as you could provide (just in case something bad happens on the trip).  Anyone who does not get a bath and 2 meals that day will die.  If no one dies, a neighbor brings your family a get well gift of a large container of fresh water equivalent to 4 buckets!



Day 39:   One of your houses has begun to question your ability to organize and control your men.  They decide to follow their own rules one evening and randomly attack and kill one of the locals.  You need to send a swift and stern response that rebellion will not be tolerated.  No one gets robbed, raped, or killed in this town without your say so!   Send a team of your men to one of your allied houses and subdue the ring leader (an adult male).  You will need 3 enemy fighters, all at the Soldier level.  Drop him to enemy status temporarily and subdue him (and any other adults) in the house.  Drag him off to the safe house for imprisonment (you’ll have to temporarily add him to your family) and “re-educate” him on the #1 law of your town, “don’t piss you off”.  You decide how severe his treatment will be.  After 48 hours, he will give up and agrees to follow your rules.


Note:  If you fail to subdue the troublemaker, you will lose the first house you obtained for one week until you regain their respect.


Day 40:  It’s a heat wave!  It’s too damn hot to do anything but sweat today.  Take the family down to the creek for cool drip.  Everyone gets full hygiene and no need to roll an event check!  Don’t forget to pack a lunch!!  Just have a nice, quiet day!


Day 41:  One of your non-heir children starts an argument with you insisting that he (or she) be the next in line!  They decide to prove their point by taking two of your men and going after a group of enemies.  Roll 1-20!

16 – 20:  They manage to pull it off forcing you to decide if you want to keep your current heir or pick from among your other children.

09 – 15:  They fail miserably but get out no worse for the wear.

04 – 08:  They are badly beaten and you lose one of your soldiers!  

01 – 03:  The worst happens.  Your men return with the body of your dead child. 

Note 1:  If you only have one child (the heir) skip this day.

Note 2:  Feel free to RP this out.  Some stern punishment for your disobedient child is not out of line!


Day 42:  House Day!  Raid House # 7.


Day 43:  It's steal day! You can steal up to THREE items using the steal section under the TABLES tab.


Day 44:  It’s a RAID!  The enemy is getting desperate and they raid your safe house in an attempt to free any prisoners and steal whatever they can carry!  Summon 4 enemies to the scene (2 soldiers and 2 lieutenants) and send in as many of your own crew as you can spare to defend.  If you beat them back, one of the assailants is killed removing 1 enemy soldier from the fight on day 60!  If you fail, you lose one man and half of your stored furniture at that location.


Day 45:  It’s time again to call your allies together.  Invite a representative of each of your houses to a party or gathering of some sort.  You will have to provide the food and some form of entertainment.  Drinks are always a good thing!  If everyone gets fed and the party seems to go somewhat smoothly, count it a success and add +1 the next time you make a roll!


Day 46:  One of the sons from the few houses that still oppose you has sought you out asking to be soldier in your cause.  If you accept, add a new sim to your family.


Day 47:  You experience a severe storm and your house is flooded!  All but two of your beds are ruined (delete them) and your couch also takes a beating and must be replaced.  On the upside, you do get 2 free buckets of water today!


Day 48:  House Day!  Raid House #8


Day 50:  It's steal day! You can steal up to THREE items using the steal section under the TABLES tab.


Day 52:   One evening, while sharing a meal with your family, a rock collides with your living room window.  You leap to your feet to discover that one of your trusted lieutenants is leading a rebellion against you!  Roll 1-20.

15-20:  You beat back the invaders and manage to capture the traitor.  Your other houses are too fearful to challenge you.  You acquire a Category III stolen item of your choosing!

07-14:   It’s a rough fight but you barely beat back the onslaught.  One of your men lies crippled in a pool of blood.  If you attempt to treat his wounds, you risk viral infection.  If you save him, add +4 to your next roll.  If you don’t -2 to your next roll!

01-06:   It’s a bloody battle and you lose your life.  An heir will have to step in if you have one.  If not, the challenge is lost!


Day 54:  House Day!  Raid House #9


Day 55:  Your house is in need of serious repairs to the floor, roof, doors, windows, etc.  To do this, you will need to break down 5 pieces of furniture for wood.  If you fail to do this, remove a wall panel in each room until you have the resources.  Hopefully, by now, you have a healthy stock of furniture for trade!


Day 56:  Wild fires have broken out making it impossible for you to get to the lake for water until Day 60!  No fishing, washing dishes, taking baths, etc.


Day 57:  It's your final steal day!  If you don't know how to do it by now, you're a lousy damned thief!


Day 58:  Your garden has been ransacked and all plants destroyed!  Hopefully you have enough in storage to make it through until a new crop comes up or you can get to the lake to fish on Day 60!


Day 60:  House Day!  Raid House #10! 

NOTE:  If you do not have the other 9 houses by this point, one of your lieutenants will have a heart attack and not be able to participate in the fight!  Also, if you succeeded on day 44, you will be fighting one less soldier.


You’ve made it!  Only one obstacle now stands in your way of wiping out crime / completing your crime syndicate.  Get ready for a battle royale! 


The last house belongs to your nemesis (the savior) and it is well fortified.  Their house must contain 5 enemies (if they don’t have that many adults living there, move some from another house).  Attack when the opportunity presents itself!   Engage  3 soldiers (2 if you succeeded on Day 44), 1 is a lieutenant, and 1 boss.  Remember that soldiers only need to be defeated once to remove them from the fight; lieutenants twice, and bosses must be beaten three times.



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